Bocuse d’Or TRÅANTE 2024
MARCH 19th & 20th
Trondheim Spektrum
The NOMAD Indigenous Foodlab with the World´s largest lavvo (Sámi reindeer herders´ nomadic tent) is placed outside the Bocuse d’Or 2024 event in Trondheim Spektrum on March 19th and 20th.
UN Global Indigenous Youth Forum 2023 in FAO Headquarters
186 Indigenous Youth travelled from the seven socio-cultural regions and met in person in FAO Rome at the two tents of the NOMAD Indigenous Foodlab that was brought the from the Arctic and Denmark and installed inside the FAO to create an Indigenous Peoples ́ territory capable of hosting fundamental discussions with the Indigenous Youth.
Jokkmokk Market
Jokkmokk Winter market and celebration of the Sáminuorra 60 years since its establishment. Sáminuorra is the Sámi national youth organization in the Swedish part of Sápmi.
NOMAD FoodLab Actions at the UN World Food Forum 2022
“NOMAD FoodLab tent at FAO shows the power of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge systems, which combine traditional knowledge of food with new tech and innovation to address today’ s challenges. Thank you Norway for supporting Arctic Indigenous Peoples” - tweeted FAO Director-General QU Dongyu